Prism hr clientspace
Prism hr clientspace

Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator."

  • If not found, display message "Unable to validate User in ClientSpace for PeoID 'x'.
  • ClientSpace locates an API Configuration record matching that PeoID.
  • PrismHR sends the PrismHR User's PeoID and a secret token to the SSO Services Service Url that has been configured on the PrismHR server.
  • PrismHR User clicks the 'ClientSpace' link (configured in PrismHR) PrismHR Configuration Specifying the ClientSpace TSSO Url:īack Office System | Change, System ParametersĪdditional PrismHR configuration is necessary, consult with PrismHR for details (beyond the scope of this doc) Operation Overview:
  • Each PRismHR user that will log into ClientSpace via SSO will need one of these TPA user records.
  • This will be the User that will be logged into ClientSpace
  • The 3rd Party LoginID must be mapped to a valid ClientSpace User.
  • The TPA 3rd Party LoginID must match the PrismHR User's User ID.
  • Click Add to begin Adding users to the Third Party Application record.
  • prism hr clientspace

    Once the TPA Entry has been saved you will need to add Third party users - these act as translation records - essentially mapping a PrismHR account to a matching CllientSpace Account. This allows multiple PrismHR Servers and Users to access ClientSpaceĪPI Configuration: You must select the appropriate PrismHR API configuration and the Save the record.

    prism hr clientspace

    Prism hr clientspace plus#

    TPA Name: The TPA Name MUST BE ' PrismHRTSSO' plus the PeoID with no spaces, as in ' PrismHRTSSO1*DEMO' (1*DEMO is the PeoID).

    prism hr clientspace

  • The API configuration record is located by matching the PrismHR User's PeoID to the API Configuration Secondary ID.
  • The PrismHR API configuration form must have a Secondary ID (the PeoID) that matches the PrismHR User's PeoID Additionally, this document only describes the configuration portion of PrismHR related to ClientSpace - additional PrismHR configuration that is needed to create the link to ClientSpace will not be covered in the scope of this document - for help with this refer to your Prism Administration documentation. PrismHR settings may require system administration rights.

    Prism hr clientspace